
Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I was in the middle of writing this week's "What Ever Happened To..." and I had "First Take" on in the background. While listening, I overheard Skip Bayless actually suggest that Derek Jeter is using steroids, and that's why he's leading the MLB in hits this year. Is there anyone dumber then Skip Bayless? He literally just goes out there on a daily basis, and says the first thing comes to his mind. The worst thing is, he does this with literally no thought behind any of the stuff he says.
Biggest Clown in the Media

Now I realize a big part of his job is to get people pissed off and talking, and I guess by me writing this I am just contributing to his horrible career and life. Anyways, "First Take" has changed so much over the last year, because people have actually started watching since Stephen A. Smith became a regular. That's not because Smith has intelligent, well thought out, or even accurate arguments, but because he and Bayless argue like AF and his sister. 

Ever since Smith's arrival, Bayless has taken being unintelligent to a whole new level. I don't even know if it's possible to narrow down all of the dumb things Bayless and Smith have talked about this year....but I'm going to try. 

4. Bayless vs. Cuban - So Skip Bayless and "First Take" had Dallas Maverick owner Mark Cuban on the show to talk about the NBA Finals. Skip starts off on his usual rant about how bad LeBron   is, and Cuban proceeds to just destroy him on every level. Cuban talks about how Bayless only really talks in generalities (a complete and utter fact), and Bayless defends talking only in generalities. For example, "Was LeBron James collapse in the finals last season not the worst we have ever seen?" Or, "LeBron played harder then Kevin Durant." Cuban continues ripping Bayless until he finally shuts up, and let's Stephen A. bail him out. 

3. Bayless vs. Suggs - For some unexplainable reason, one of the more regular guests on "First Take," is Baltimore Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs. Bayless should be thankful for his presence, but instead he tries to piss him off all the time. Whether it is by suggesting that the Patriots got home town calls, or claim Suggs is from "Fall So Hard" University (clever). Bayless puts all kinds of words in Suggs' mouth, but Suggs refuses to play along by telling Bayless to stop, and to, "be an analyst, not a deuchebag." This one comes in higher on the list because why would you ever want to piss of a professional linebacker? I mean Suggs could kill him in about 14 seconds. 

2. Bayless vs. Jeter - I know this just happened today, but this was just so, so stupid. I had no choice but to rank it pretty high up on the list. Making Mark Cuban proud, Bayless decides to make a general statement. A conspiracy theory. No facts, no accusations, nothing. Just saying dumb stuff to get people going. Not going to lie, this made me pretty mad too. Never thought I would say this, but thank God for Stephen A. Smith, because otherwise Bayless would just have started talking and Jeter would have had nobody to defend him. Even Stephen A., who is borderline retarded, thought this was stupid and out of bounds. 

1. Bayless vs. Jalen Rose - By far the runaway number one here. Jalen and Skip got into a debate about basketball and specifically the position of point guard. Skip makes all of his normal non-fact based statements, and later tweets about how he was a star point guard in High School, but his coach didn't like him and what not. The next day, in another debate Rose rips Skip to shreds. Calling him out as a liar, and Skip has no choice but to admit that everything Jalen was saying was true. In fact, Bayless didn't even play on varsity as a junior! "Water Pistol Pete Jr." 

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