
Friday, August 24, 2012

Join The Official Couch Brotatoes Football Pick Em' Now

So we got the idea to reward some of you readers by having a free NFL Pick Em' league for everyone to join and to get a chance to win some prizes.

The good news is it's super easy to enter. All you have to do is go to and click on the Fantasy tab, and underneath that you should see the Pigskin Pick Em' tab. Then click on it and go to the Game Home, and click on create or join group. Then search for the group Couch Brotatoes. It's free to join, and we have some pretty mediocre prizes set up for you guys.

Obviously we are all college kids so giving you guys money is pretty much not an option. However for each weeks top picker each blogger will give you a twitter shout out. I know, I know who cares, but the grand prize is actually pretty serious. Just to be clear, the person who ends up with the best record at the end of the regular season wins the grand prize.

The winner of the grand prize will get to choose one of three options for a costume for Beardface to wear and walk around wearing in some public location we will pick. We will then film it and post it to the webpage. The options are a nurse costume, a pregnant lady costume, or a boxer costume. Beardface will walk around and talk to people and stuff, I'm not really sure yet, but we promise he's going to look stupid doing it.

Just know you have to have an ESPN account to be in the league. It's like the easiest thing in the world to make so there are really no excuses. Also I know some of you may be discouraged because I am probably going to win this but don't let it bring you down, there's always a chance.

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