4. Michael Scott from the Office: Easy pick here, the leader of the Scranton branch of Dundler Mufflin. Inept, obnoxious, dumb, but overall very well meaning, Michael Scott is a gem. A lot of people would choose Dwight here and that's a fair choice, but Michael has so many moments and quotes that are just so damn funny that he's gotta be the pick here. The show has fallen off since Steve Carrell left, but it's still a funny, kind of a shadow of its former self. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-48OFresMkI&feature=related)
3. Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec: The Man's man. Ron Swanson does not fear anything. His mustache is on point, and he wears red like Tiger post-getting laid, Ron Swanson is a legend. Amazing dead pan delivery and a lover of steak and fine liquor, Ron Swanson is a perfect fit for Parks and Rec, which is a totally under appreciated show. I'm growing a mustache in honor of Ron Swanson as we speak, it's not gonna be as thick but it's the effort that counts. Parks and Rec comes back September 20th, so get ready.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXhJPey3i_A)
2. Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones: Legit who ever thought a midget would be the biggest bad ass in a medieval sci fi series? Honestly, Tyrion has almost every memorable quote from the show, and he is the smartest person seemingly in the world. A lover of wine and hookers, he's sort of the comic relief early on but takes on a bigger role as the show progresses. Even though he is a Lannister, the most hated family in television history, I like Tyrion and I feel like he knows what's good most of the time. Plus he smacked around Joffrey who is actually the worst person ever. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiHbNoTZ64A)
1. Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm: Just had to be LD, who else could it be really? He says literally what everyone wants to say to someone who has done something to them, but the only thing is, he has the balls to do it. LD is unfiltered and always seems to be in the worst possible situation in every day life and it's hard to look away. LD is a comedic genius, the brains behind Seinfeld, and when he finally came out from behind the scenes and put that ugly mug in front of the camera, it was pure gold. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HubZInAs0-A)
Honorable Mentions: Clay Morrow from Sons of Anarchy, Tobias Funké from Arrested Development, Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld, and Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad.
where is Adam Demamp?