Let me start by saying I in no way condone Mark Sanchez or whatever it is he does out there. Some pretty boy from California, slinging the rock around the park just hoping he doesn't get picked for 6. Well that lasted about a whole quarter before, on a 3rd and long, he throws a 2 yard out that a DB jumped and took to the house. I mean for the most part, our 1st team defense was strong, got a nice turnover after pressuring Eli by "The Walking Weight Room" Laron Landry. I literally don't think that dude stops lifting, during half time he's doing curls while Rex is up there berating people between bites. Nah I love Rex, I don't blame him for most of the stuff that goes on, he stands up for his players and talks them up and they just don't perform but Rex still takes responsibility, which is the only thing I could ask for. Sanchez is a total train wreck this preseason but so is the offensive line. I mean we got Nick Mangold and Brick but after that it's hit and mostly miss. I kind of feel for Wayne Hunter but then I see him play and I want to take him out back and break his ankles with a 9 iron. He gets beat like he stole something seemingly every series. Yeah it is only the preseason, but they look more clueless than usual out there and that's a bad sign. I hope Tony Soprano and that mustache gets the offense into shape or someone's getting whacked, capiche.
Wayne Hunter looking confused, standard procedure. |
PS- I literally won't get into Tebow because I would go on forever about how much I hate him and wish he was not a football player but rather a missionary in Papua New Guinea, where he couldn't hurt my eyes with his horrible release and stupid face.
PPS- I'm well aware it's Sparano.
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